A Pastor's wife delivered on New Year's Eve. She had high blood pressure and the constant fire works going off didn't help to lower it! First baby of 2010 for us!

My recent trip to Manila to get our new students. We took a big ferry boat cuz it was the only boat going to Calapan that day! Jenn my ever safety conscious roomie, made us all wear life jackets!! This caused a lot of attention cuz no one else ever wears them! They were quite dusty when we put them on! It took 20 mins to figure out how to do them up! The crew was all watching and laughing. As there were 4 of us 'white' ladies, we were asked to visit the captains area and be in lots of pictures!!

Me, Alexis, Christie and Jenn enjoying some sun on the boat deck (while being photographed many times!! he he he

Finally being able to see my 'kids' from Manila!! Christian, Shaira, and Revy!!