I came home one night to Auntie Imelda coughing and so sick she couldn't sleep! I laid my hand on her back and prayed for her and then continued to pray for our whole ministry there!! I had been trying to think of ways to encourage us to pray together more! The next morning I woke up and this couple was sitting downstairs on the couch. They were Joel and Grace, former YWAMers!! Grace is pregnant and had heard about our clinic so they had been trying to make the trip out to get a prenatal check up but they live a ways away. They both have worked in YWAM for about 5 years and have a heart for Tibet!! They are making plans to live there in the next few years! Grace is also a trained midwife. They both have a heart for the poor and told us about many pregnant women they know that live near them and have no prenatal care! We were excited to go there and see the area. Joel said he would arrange to have some of the poorest women gather together for a prenatal check up. After Joel and Grace left, Auntie Imelda, DJ and I prayed and talked together about the possibility of going to this new place. Auntie Imelda told me that the night before when I had put my hand on her back and prayed for her, the terrible pain that she had been having left!! She told me she thinks that I have healing hands!! I told her, wasn't me, it could only have been God! But the fact that God would use me to heal someone or touch someone is totally cool!! And Exciting!! I felt like God prompted me to pray for her so I did and I guess He wanted to touch her!! Very cool!!:) So cool to see what happens when you pray!! :)
So Thursday, Auntie Imelda and I went to Marikina and held a clinic in a very primative location! We had 10 pregnant women/girls! Joel said there are many more but he wanted to limit it for our first visit. Now the challange is that its too far for these women to travel to our clinic for their labors so Joel and Grace are praying with us about renting a small apartment or a room near there for the women to give birth in! The place where Joel and Grace live won't let them have women give birth there so that's not an option like we had originally thought:( I think everyone is looking to me to come up with the money to fund a clinic in this new location. But its one thing to start a clinic, but who will keep it going when I'm no longer here?? I don't want to start something only to have it fall apart in a few months! So it requires lots of prayer!! We are scheduled to go again tomorrow!! It means getting up at 6am and traveling by jeepney for at least an hour!! It means breathing in lots of pollution and exhaust and having no bathroom for most of the day! Its tiring but the women there are so appreciative! So please pray for this new place! Its hard to start helping the women but not be able to deliver their babies! Everything seems to be so much more complictated here than it would be at home!!
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